Exploring interactions with time, environment, moment as collaborators and co-authors. Part of the Limited Fork Theory principle that recognizes the collaborative nature of all things and tries to be more aware of site-responsive making and the creative potential of environments.


space intentionally left blank for time to fill in


space intentionally left an open tine

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This American Life: Mapping

This American Life did an episode on mapping, which you can listen to here.

"Creating a map means ignoring everything in the world but one thing. That one thing could be the bus routes or the air traffic control patterns, it could be homes of Hollywood stars or it could be the cracks in the sidewalk. Maps have meaning because they filter out all the chaos in the world and focus obsessively on one item. And this is the age of maps, although you might not think of that way."

Some of the maps created by Dennis Wood, a cartographer, can be seen on This American Life's flickr page.

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